Australian Gourmet Pastes / Australian Garlic Producers Pty Ltd (AGP) realizes that protection of the environment is one of the most challenging issues that confronts current business. AGP shall strive to meet applicable government Acts and Regulations in a commercially viable manner.

As a leading marketer of garlic products, AGP believes that we have a responsibility to protect and maintain the environment for future generations. This will relate to the way we conduct business and work with our suppliers.

Australian Garlic Producers is committed to:

- Aiming towards clear targets to continually improve procedures that we undertake and strive to minimize the effects on the environment
- Training employees to work towards continuous improvements
- Where possible review and consultation with employees, customers, suppliers, governments, and industry groups on environmental issues
- Work towards reducing waste to landfill and minimizing resources used
- Recycling where possible
- Conserving energy consumption where possible
- Minimizing water consumption while working towards wastewater environmental monitoring and testing.

Our staff play an integral role within this policy and as such will be clearly informed of their responsibility and the company's aim to continually improve and minimize the impact on the environment.